Thursday, 25 March 2010

Camera angles

Office scene: in this scene we use a majority of mid- to close ups this allows us to see the expression on the characters face such as when smoke walks out of the room the midshot of his face allows us to see his dissapointmentclose ups allow us see key events such as their badges being passed over. high angle shots of the chief are used to show that he is in a position of power and low angles are used to on CJ and smoke to show that at that particular point their vulnerable and powerless. we also use long shots to show the character smoke leaving the room. we also used over the shoulder shots in this scene to create the feeling that were watching the characters conversation whilst doing this we had to make sure not to break the 180 rule.

Chase Scene: this switches from a number of different shots in the chases scene switching from close up to mid shots to P.O.V. shots with quck editing this creates a feeling of intensity in the chase scene in the second half of the chase scene we use long shots to introduce the character of CJ witch then changes to a mid shot which allows the audience to connect with the character the use it then switches to a long shot of the criminal running into the action allwoin the view to see whats happening, in this scene the use of a high angle P.O.V. shot allows CJ to be represented as somebody being in a postion of power

outside the office scene: in this scene there is mostly the use of over the shoulder shot this creates a feeling that the audinece is there in the conversation and finally there is a long shot which allows us to see the characters walking off.

Criminal Lair: this uses a mixture of midhsots and close ups. the mid shots allow us to see the generic conventions of crim such as money a wapon and a bottle of whiskey and the close up allows us to focus on key events such as the crimianl reaction to show somethings happening or the close up of the hand going for the knife.

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