Our task was to record a video of somebody opening a door, walking acroos a room and having a conversation. we had to include in our video an over the shoulder shot and use the 180 degree camera shot.
After we recorded our videos we uploaded them to the mac computers where we could edit them using Imovie. Whilt we were editing i added titles and transition effects to the video toi make it look more professional.I had to edit some of the individual scenes because some of the frames had no action in which makes the video boring and also it doesnt make it flow as well.
I also added music to my video but also included the diagetic sound of the conversation.
i enjoyed the prelim task as i learnt alot about how to position a camera and how to make a movie flow more easy and how to keep the scenes intersting by having action in every shot. We had to record our video twice because in the first video we broke the 180 degree rule and some of the camera angles used just didnt work with the film. So we re-filmed and re-edited the video to make a much better production of our prelim video