Tuesday, 8 December 2009

My film

Genre: cop action/comedy

bad boys 1:

the cops in this film are represented as a disfunctional american cops. there repreented as cops that dont play by the rules or stick to the traditional cop syterotype we can see this through use of costume and mis-en-scene the longshot as there coming over the bridge that there driving a porsche not the traditional p[olice car the editing to a midhsot which allows us to see inside the car shows us that they're wearing expensive looking clothes which shows there not like the traditional cops. the music playing as there coming into the shots also tells us that the genre of the movie is action becuase it builds up into an action style theme tune

starsky and hutch:

in this clip i like the use of the stereotype of an angry police chief in cop films. hes represented as a more strict character through the use of costume mid shots allow us to see hes smartly dressed and wearing a tie he has the gun holsters etc, we can alo see the mis-en-scene in the midhsot that he has a lot of work on hi desk but its all organised and everything has its place. aklso similar to bad boys which is a common sterotyp-e in cop films is taht the two main characters are usually opposite which makes them disfunctional which adds a comedy elemnt to the film.



the use of fast editing and sound here creates a feeling of action is about to happen. also the longhsot allow us to see where the film is set and whats happening


i like the way the characters are introduced in snatch there all midhots which allow us to see all the main hcaracters and each shot links with each other in a sequence, i think its a clever way of introducing the main characters and could possibly be used in a similar sort of style in my film .

Monday, 30 November 2009

How does a films budget affect its production practices

budget has a huge impact on the productions of films. The dark knight was made by warner borhter films, a subsidary company of time warner, and had a budget of £180m. budget affects what stars are in the film the bigger the budget the more stars that are in the film, in the dark knight the lead characters were played by big stars such as heath ledger and christian bale where as in a low budget film such as this is england which had a budget of £8m all the actors in the play were unheard of.

the dark knight: it had a budget of 180m , budget can affect how and where a movie is filmed. most of the film was filmed in chicago but they also had to have sets made and filmed in pinewood studios in london which they could afford, it also effects the special effects that were used in the film becuase there was a high budget the effects and equipment they could use for the special effects were top of the range such as an imax camera to film some sequences .it also allowed them to be able to afford big stars such as heath ledger and christian bale also they could afford to hire big name directors and script writeres such as christopher nolan. the dark dark knight used 100m to adevrtise teh film as well as using traditional methods such as posters and trailers they also used different methods; they used hidden images and confusing campaigns across the internet disguising the film adverts without people knowing what they mneant and everytime a person sigend up to the harvey dent campaign they removed and changed pictures.

they also used there big name stars on posters to promote the film after heath ledgers death they stopped using his image but after news of how good his acting was in the film leaked they used his image again to skyrocket peoples interests

they also tried to generate peoples interst in the film in the trailers by not showing the joker etc and just allowing us to here his voice.

becuase teh film is funded by a big comapny such as wwarner brothers that is where a majority of the funding came from

hot fuzz: hot fuzz had a budget of 8million and was made working title films which is owend by universal. the budget limited them to som degree becuase it affected where the film would be set, they couldnt afford to travel or have sets made for them so the movie was filmed on location upon well, the effects in the film were limited as well there wasnt any imax camera sequences etc they however did edit a church out of the scenes and used simple fairly simple technology. the budget also affected what stars were in the film there were no major hollywood block buster stars but the budget allowed them to get british stars such as simon pegg and nick frost, the budget also allowed them to get edgar wright to direct their movie who made other british hits such as shaun of the dead also starring simon pegg and nick frost. the budget also affected their promotional campaigns they couldnt afford big tactics like the promotional campaign of harvey dent the the dark knight used, they used more traditional campaigns such as posters which resembled the bad boys posters.

the also used trailers and attended conventions and interview to promote the film

they did however use different types of promotion on the working title website you could watch video blogs of the film being made and had interviews etc which helped genearte interest, they also attened the premier of the film by police escort and blue carpet instead of the traditional red carpets.

the financial backing of this film waslargely have been from universal studios however becuase working title only get a limited amoount of financal backing from universal they got some from other companies such as vauxhaul who provided cars etc for the movie.

this is england: this had a budget of 1.5million, this had a big impoact on where the movie was filmed it had no created sets and was largely filmed in nottigham on location they used very simple technology no special affects just traditional and yorkshiretechnology. the budget affectred the actors and director of the film, most of the films actors were unheard of thomas turgoose and joe gilgun, aswell as shane meadows the director who was relatively un heaard of before the film.
the film had such a low budget becuase it was made by small briiths companies; film four and warp films , they got alot of finacial backing from film four and yorkshire films.
due to the small budget there was no off the wall or different sty;es of promotion it was the traditional posters, trailers, interviews etc.

Saturday, 7 November 2009

Film trailers and inspiration

ive watched many film openings from some of my favourite movies to get inspiration for my film opening.

bad boys :


the midshots to introduce the main characters are a good technique and an interesting way to introduce the characters.

die hard 4.0:

bad boys 2:

the panning shot used to show the location and enemies, the costume of the police is a good idea for action police.


the use of quick editing is a good technique used to show that something is about to happen.


Thursday, 29 October 2009

Brtish film companies

i did a class survey and from the results concluded:-

  • a majority of films watched are american, the institutions are bigger, global and have bigger budgets..
  • audiences are able to watch films in a variety of ways e.g.cinema,pc,internet,dvd and download.
  • audiences are much more sophisticated and like to have a range of genres.
  • audiences like to be in ontrol of how they watch a film.

Friday, 16 October 2009

Thursday, 1 October 2009

preliminary video

Our task was to record a video of somebody opening a door, walking acroos a room and having a conversation. we had to include in our video an over the shoulder shot and use the 180 degree camera shot.
After we recorded our videos we uploaded them to the mac computers where we could edit them using Imovie. Whilt we were editing i added titles and transition effects to the video toi make it look more professional.I had to edit some of the individual scenes because some of the frames had no action in which makes the video boring and also it doesnt make it flow as well.
I also added music to my video but also included the diagetic sound of the conversation.
i enjoyed the prelim task as i learnt alot about how to position a camera and how to make a movie flow more easy and how to keep the scenes intersting by having action in every shot. We had to record our video twice because in the first video we broke the 180 degree rule and some of the camera angles used just didnt work with the film. So we re-filmed and re-edited the video to make a much better production of our prelim video