Thursday, 28 January 2010

film institutions

The type of company that would endorse our film would either be columbia pictures or 20th century fox.
columbia pictures:

columbia pictures would be suitable for our film because they have been institutions for other films to a similar genre such as the 'bad boys'films aswell as S.W.A.T. both of which were quite succesful films.

20th century fox:

20th century fox would also be suitable for our film because they are associated with big action packed blockbusters that are audience would expect from an action film, they would expect alot of special effects etc becuase of the genre of the film and 20th century fox are associated with using lots of special effects. they have been associated with the die hard films .
however we would have ab igger company as our distribution company as we realised many of these film such as beverlky hills cop have quite a cheesy feel to them and for this to be tangebale we would need it to be produced by a low budget production company but to be ditributed by a larger coimpany who has dealt with the film genre and know how to advertise and coan afford to advertise correctly
our independaty film studio was bullet spoof productions

Tuesday, 26 January 2010


police station: our movie is set in chicago so for our police station we had to choose a building that looked fairly modern, our original building we chose looked like a tradtional english cottage and did not fit in with the genre of our movie so we searc hed for a more modern building.

alley way for chase scene:

we will use this alley as it has graffiti and adds more of a crime ridden/rundown area. an allyway has traditonal conventions of being related to crime, darkness and generally being seedy which is why we decided to have our criminal ebing chased down the alleyway .

office scene:

the police chiefs office is an important location as it hols a large majority f action we shall be using file holders that can be seen in the background and make his desk look messy as it represents the police chief is under a lot of pressure because of his position which is why hes angry. the similar sort of layout of a police office is seen in many traditonal police films such as beverly hills cop or bad boys.

Monday, 25 January 2010

our movie pitch

Shot list

Frame 1:panning shot (titles appear on screen)
frame 2:close up
frame 3:low angle mid shot
frame 4:over the shoulder shot
frame 5+6:mid shot, long shot, close up of feet (titles appear)
frame 7:mid shot
frame 8:mid shot
frame 9:Point of view shot
frame 10:point of view shot
frame 11:mid shot
frame 12:over the shoulder shot
frame 13:long shot
frame 14:over the shoulder shot, mid shot, long shot
frame 15:high angle, mid shot
frame 16: point of view shot, mid shot
frame 17:long shot, mid shot
frame 18:long shot

Friday, 22 January 2010


we are going to base our soundtrack on a 70's style cop show;

Shaft theme:

starsky and hutch theme:

we will be tryin to recreate a sound similar to this for our soundtrack to be played during the chase scene and will include instruments such as hi-hats and slap bass guitar to re-create that 80s style.
after getting feedback from some of our class mates they said the 80s style cop theme music did not fit in with the style of movie so we made a different soundtrack which sounds alot more modern and action packed

mood board

Thursday, 21 January 2010

our movie

our movie is a police action/comedy called CJ and smoke. inspired by films such as beverly hills cop, starksy and hutch and bad boys. the film is based upon two characters CJ and smoke who are two loose cannon cops that dont play by the rules to get what the want. our opening intropduces the characters straight away in action where they cause havok and end up loosing their badges and they then decide to finish thieir mission their on way, which is where the opening end. Another convention we tried to get acroos was that usually police films are a little cheesy which we tried to get acroos in our film. a list of characters and how they will be represented :

CJ and smoke: cops who dont stick to the traditional steroetypes, thorugh costume dialect etc

police chief: angry police chief through his conservative look

criminal: a villain shown through action, mis-en-scene and costume

movie script

CJ & smoke script

Police chief: Daniel M.
Chris ‘CJ’ Johnson; Harley
john Smoke; Haydn

Office scene:-
PC- (cool posture, slams folder on desk) so, do you have anything to say for yourselves?
Smoke- CJ you can tell this one
CJ-(murmuring) well erm...
Smoke- Freeze!!!!!
(chase queue music)
CJ-(clothesline criminal hold him at gun point) you have the right to shut the f-
(Switches back to office)
PC- so...where is he?
CJ- well that was smoke’s fault
Smoke-(glares at CJ) well chief i can explain, this dude was like what 6’ 4 and 250 pounds
(Smoke runs in from the background panting.)
CJ- where you been?
(Smoke attempts to answer)
CJ- book this guy whilst i go bring the car round, can you handle that?
(Cj leaves the scene; smoke walks over to criminal and lifts him up)
Smoke: don’t go breaking the law in my city, i am the law!
(Criminal head buts smoke and runs off, CJ returns to the scene)
CJ- what the hell happened man
Smoke- do you really have to ask
Cj- the chief is gonna kill us for this were already on our last warning! You can tell this story
(Back to office)
PC- so let me get this straight you brought no perps, no evidence, you totalled a Ferrari and an old woman is in hospital because of you guys!
Smoke- chief come on just another cha-
PC: NO! No more chances, I’ve got federal officers so far up my ass i can taste them give me your badges
(cj throws it on the desk smoke holds on struggling with chief)
PC: get out now!
Cj (to smoke): we were so close to cracking this case.
Smoke: it’s our case lets finish this our way.
(Walk down corridor turns and fades out)

character representation

chris 'CJ' johnson: is a loose cannon cop who does what he has to do to get the job done inspired by the character hutch from strasky and hutch and mike riley from bad boys. we will represent him this way by the costume he wears leather jackets, very informal clothes not the traditional uniform. he will also be portrayed as loose cannon by his mannerisms and language that he uses.

john smoke: is another cop who doesnt play by the rule but is slightly more conservative and doesnt break the rules if he doesnt have. thi character is inspire by the cahracter starskyfrom starksy and hutcha s well as marcus burnett from bad boys. he will also be represneted by costume and mannerism except his costume is a more tidier and his mannerisms arent as violent as CJ, hes puts more thaught into his actions

police chief: the police chief is based upon the angry police chiefs seen in traditional cop film such as lethal weapon, strasky and hutch, beverkly hills cop and bad boys. he will be represented through costume; his clothes will be very conservative and neat and tidy however his office will have folders evreywhere to show that hes a busy person and under alot of pressure.