Tuesday, 8 December 2009

My film

Genre: cop action/comedy

bad boys 1:

the cops in this film are represented as a disfunctional american cops. there repreented as cops that dont play by the rules or stick to the traditional cop syterotype we can see this through use of costume and mis-en-scene the longshot as there coming over the bridge that there driving a porsche not the traditional p[olice car the editing to a midhsot which allows us to see inside the car shows us that they're wearing expensive looking clothes which shows there not like the traditional cops. the music playing as there coming into the shots also tells us that the genre of the movie is action becuase it builds up into an action style theme tune

starsky and hutch:

in this clip i like the use of the stereotype of an angry police chief in cop films. hes represented as a more strict character through the use of costume mid shots allow us to see hes smartly dressed and wearing a tie he has the gun holsters etc, we can alo see the mis-en-scene in the midhsot that he has a lot of work on hi desk but its all organised and everything has its place. aklso similar to bad boys which is a common sterotyp-e in cop films is taht the two main characters are usually opposite which makes them disfunctional which adds a comedy elemnt to the film.



the use of fast editing and sound here creates a feeling of action is about to happen. also the longhsot allow us to see where the film is set and whats happening


i like the way the characters are introduced in snatch there all midhots which allow us to see all the main hcaracters and each shot links with each other in a sequence, i think its a clever way of introducing the main characters and could possibly be used in a similar sort of style in my film .